www.tapdig.com was created and launched in 2003 by Scott Mellgren as a way to market his skills and talents (a portfolio), store and transfer data (today it’s called a “cloud” or dropbox”), and share information intellectual property with the world while maintaining ownership and copyright of said material.

Most of the intellectual property shared through tapdig.com has been my photography. The question that spawned the website birth was: What’s the point of being a photographer and creating images if no one will ever see them? I was earning lots of traffic, and happy to share my current works with the people I was shooting. Most of my photographs, and what I was passionate about shooting, consisted of the bands and musicians that played in the event centers and nightclubs in my area. My passion for music, as both a musician and a listener, and seeking out great original music motivated my passion.
I’ve been a photographer since high school, and I was able to justify buying my first digital camera and my first website. I started with a Canon EOS D30, then a pair of 10D’s, and now a Canon EOS 60D. I put down my Nikon F4 and my trusty Canon AE-1 and embraced the digital world. “Film” became a four-letter F-word. It was like making music: once the guitar and amp is payed for… making the music is free. Once I had a digital camera and a computer, making photos was free. I shot 25,000 images (as estimated by the file numbers generated on a particular 10D camera) from 2004 through 2008. 8,000 of those images ended up displayed on tapdig.com. I hope to resurrect this content. I need help with this if anyone knows how to salvage a Gallery installation which was broken due to my webhost upgrading from PHP4 to PHP5. Some of my photography from my broken Gallery installation can still be easily viewed here.
Terms of Use: I feel used
In the era, there were some options for photo sharing such as photobucket, flickr, and myspace, but I wanted to maintain his copyright protection with all rights reserved. None of these “sharing” sites “offer” to host your photos for “free” without altering the “copyright” and granting themselves the privilege to do with the images as they see fit. Most people don’t bother to read the EULA agreements, commonly called “terms of use” or “terms of service” in today’s internet. Here is the 2007 version of Scott’s EULA for musicians and bands: http://www.tapdig.com/photo-use.html
The original concept of the name “tapdig.com” was an acronym for most of my interests at that time: Technology, Architecture, Photography, Design, Internet, Graphics. Also, creating a domain name brand that was unique and specific like “google.com” or “amazon.com” was the goal. This original webpages on tapdig.com were hand coded using HTML and CSS, with a few perl apps included in my cgi-bin. Remember, if you’re old enough, a time before wordpress. My first hosted blog was utilizing the blosxom platform, and Gallery facilitated my photography purposes.
This new pop.tapdig.com subdomain brand was created in December of 2015 using wordpress for the same reasons and is dedicated to making the world a better place. My interests haven’t changed, but I want to change and improve the way I connect to an audience through my website, which hasn’t been fully utilized since the Gallery crashed.
The future content found herein is designed to help you. Welcome, stick around a while. If you don’t find what you need here, let me know. I also invite you to become a contributor… create the content you seek, and publish it right here. Create an author profile and get paid by the income your creation generates. Write for us!
pop.tapdig.com mission statement:
- provide quality information about a limitless variety of topics without prejudice, censorship or harm.
- peacefully let the mainstream media corporations (conglomerates) handle the “national headlines.” If that’s what you’re interested in, this is not the website for you. This is a propaganda-free zone.
- facilitate the expression of individual viewpoints, opinions, perceptions, and encouraging thoughtful discussion hereto.
- to be individuals with the freedom to be yourself.
- to acknowledge that we are each unique and weird in our own special ways.
- to make life better in some way for each and every person that visits this website.
- if you consider any of the content found herein to be offensive, politically incorrect, or irritating to your overdeveloped sensitivities, please leave.
- good humor, adult discussion, individual expression and respect will be tolerated.
- seeking the truth through opinion and communication (sharing and understanding).