A Project Architect has many jobs to do.
I intend to provide architecture graduates and interns working in the construction-related industries with a career ‘boost’. I offer the opportunity to develop project management skills, become a highly valued team member, and become a standout for promotion in the context of an architectural office performing large-scale contemporary architectural projects.
The life of a project:
- Award
- Pre Design
- Schematic Design
- Design Development
- Construction Documents
- Bidding and Negotiations
- Construction Administration
- Certificate of Occupancy
What can I do?
It’s my goal to assist your growth and knowledge of the processes and limitations of work tasks and their impact on the project.
Economy of attention is crucial. A great Project Architect or Project Manager can give several projects their full attention all the time. It’s a balance to produce results on all outlets.
That’s the goal: to not be great at everything, but to not suck at anything. A priority of efforts.
Dividing the effort is where management can be applied. Certain tasks require accuracy and experience. That’s why we’re here is for the experience.
The moment they quit learning, they must be dead.
Pay attention as I try to help those professionals who want construction project experience, and the project management background of many completed projects. You’ll get there soon. I’ll help you get there.
You can’t be a successful Project Architect until you’ve become a successful Project Manager. It could take at least three to five years of on the job experience. That’s why NCARB monitors an intern system. Duh.
Instead of focusing on the 3,500 hours in the office, try instead to spend as much money as possible. Let me explain.
I’m speaking to those of you that want to learn more about architectural design aspects, or those who have a design background who wish to gain skills in project management.
Micro thinking
Case study: door
A door needs to be placed in a wall to allow occupant entry to a space, and provide a way to leave the space.
- Where should the door be?
- Does the door swing, slide or rise?
- Which way should the door swing?
- How big is the door?
- Is there a window in the door?
- Is the door wood or metal?
- Is the door fire rated?
- Does the door lock?
- What color is the door?
- Is the opening accessible?
Case study: roof
A roof is placed on a building to keep the elements out, while keeping the occupants dry and comfortable.
- What happens to water when it land on the roof when it rains?
- What if it snows?
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