David Bowie just passed away. It seems like all of my friends are mourning on facebook. I feel their pain.
I’m not your biggest fan. I blame MTV.
I was about 10 years old when Let’s Dance and China Girl were getting play. Pretty soon it was Blue Jean in the MTV rotation. Bow Wow Wow was cool, and Michael Jackson.
MTV used to play music all day every day. Seriously, if you didn’t experience it because you’re too young or didn’t have cable… listen up.
I was a fan of A-ha, Bananarama, Kajagoogoo, Men at Work, Flock of Seagulls, and the list goes on and on. Add David Bowie to that list. I moved on with new music, never really questioning David Bowie’s existence or back catalog.
I have realized my misfortune and have since enjoyed David Bowie’s popular stuff. Even the old stuff. It’s cool I missed some of his impact.
I get it… feeling it vicariously through my friends on facebook. I’ll miss the dude, but not as much as my friends will.
That’s not cool. F*ck you MTV… past, present and for the Real World. Du är så jävla störd. Culture in the United States is that much closer to Idiocracy.
Elton John and Rolling Stones are kind of like that for me as well. At some point, my young self was convinced that Tattoo You was the pinnacle of Rolling Stones career. Elton John was the guy that wore lots of different sunglasses and costumes and sang I’m Still Standing with a tux and a cane.
I learned today that David Bowie sometimes writes lyrics, then he cuts out his lyrics and rearrange them in an effort… to inspire imagination… to unlock and reveal new ways to think about things. That’s f*ck*ng cool! Here’s a video on bbc. It’s really fun.
That bbc.com link is the better video in my opinion, but there’s this one and it’s twice as short.
If you’ve ready this far, you probably don’t need a “shortened” video, but there it is. lol
I’ve seen Elton John at the Ford Center in OKC. I’ve seen the Stones at the Myriad in OKC and OU’s football stadium in Norman. I never saw Bowie, and I’ve never seen Def Leopard either. You win some, you lose some…
I’ve seen flashes of you through my years that make me go, “that’s cool.” I’m glad he did the things he did. It is what it is, and it’s worth it. I’m a huge fan and all my friends love you.
Thanks for the memories.
yours, scottm
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